
Clash of clans bluestacks fiel
Clash of clans bluestacks fiel

clash of clans bluestacks fiel

Clash of Clans will now load with your current village.Upon sign into Google Play, you’ll have the option to “Load Village”? Click on the green “Load” button.This will present the settings options where you will select to Sign into Google Play. Have an existing account and you’d like to continue playing on it click on it? Just the gears in the upper left corner.If this is the first time you’ve played Clash of Clans, you can enjoy the game as it is.Redirecting you to the Google Play store, you’ll be able to download Clash of Clans directly. Also, use the search function which prominently displayed in the upper left corner.

clash of clans bluestacks fiel

Either navigate to the app in one of the categories displayed on the dashboard.

  • Next, You can get Clash of Clans in one of the following two ways.
  • Presented with BlueStacks dashboard, you will see categories like Trending Apps and Top Apps.
  • Then, Sign into or create your Google Account.
  • And, Launch the BlueStacks App Player on your laptop or desktop.
  • Download & install the latest version of BlueStack App Player.
  • Assuming you have downloaded and installed BlueStacks, we will dive right into the mini tutorial. Learn more about BlueStacks Clash of Clans BlueStacks TutorialĪlright, so let’s get on with how you will go about playing Clash of Clans with BlueStacks. This software is entirely free to download and can found here. BlueStacks is extremely easy to set up and use. Installing this android emulator on your computer will allow you to play your favorite Android apps.

    clash of clans bluestacks fiel

    An Android emulator developed for the Windows PC and Mac operating systems. The BlueStack App Player shortened merely to BlueStacks. This is where we get a little creative.Įnter the BlueStacks App Player Play Clash of Clans on BlueStacks App Playerįirst of all, let’s have a look at the BlueStacks App Player and what its benefits are to you. However, the developers of Clash of Clans have no official plans to roll out the game onto the PC. Since its success, it was only matter of time before players started looking to play Clash of Clans on PC. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Clash of Clans has become such a favorite MMO, strategy game on mobile. You heard right, ow you can play Clash of Clans on PC and Mac.

    Clash of clans bluestacks fiel